Activities to Entertain Your Kid During the Holidays

Looking for activities to keep your child entertained at home this school holiday? 

Before a school holiday, looking for fun and educational activities can seem daunting for parents, especially when these young ones are more likely to be cooped up at home. 

There are two things to keep in mind when looking for a holiday activity 一 look for one that will allow your child to have fun, and also embrace a valuable learning experience along the way. 

See yourself doing some last-minute scrambling for activity ideas? Fret not 一 Trio Kids Singapore offers an ocean of exciting activities for your artsy, crafty and sciency little ones! 


Having a Colourful Time


Have a little one who reaches out for paint brushes instead of the latest toys? 

If your kid loves mixing colours and doodling every object they come across, art activities are the go-to to keep them occupied this school holidays.

Art is known to be extremely vital in a child’s development, from improving their motor skills to promoting creativity and self-expression. 

Getting your kid into an art-related activity is another way to work on their perseverance and self-esteem. Furthermore, art activities require time and patience, which in turn, allows kids to develop longer attention spans and higher concentration levels. Additionally, different art activities such as drawing, painting and sculpting helps in developing a child’s working memory and mental flexibility. 

Having crayons and markers for children helps in honing their fine motor skills, and is beneficial when learning new skills such as tying shoelaces and buttoning up.

For a relaxing day of doodling and painting, Trio Kids offers an extensive list of art supplies to choose from: washable crayons, finger paint, colour pencil sets 一 you name it! Grab a kit and create a masterpiece with your child today. 

Beeswax crayons JarMelo 1598156595 | Trio Kids | December, 2024

Have a younger one at home? Not to worry 一 our fun-shaped Beeswax Crayons by JarMelo are easy for little hands to grip on while doodling. 

Beeswax Crayons, $24.90

Younger kids tend to struggle in holding thin objects such as pencils and pens, therefore, thick crayons are known to be more suitable for beginners. Crayons are beneficial for a child’s development in motor strength and dexterity, especially when learning to have a good pencil grasp. Kids will also be able to feel different textures from the crayon itself, and learn more about the world of colours.

Magic Water Coloring JarMelo 1598156297 300x300 1 | Trio Kids | December, 2024

Unleash your child’s creative potential and indulge in a watercolour adventure with our Magic Water Colouring Activity! These fun-themed activity books are not only portable and convenient to grab on-the-go, but also ideal for parents looking for low-mess activities. 

Magic Water Colouring Activity, from $11.90

Marbling Paint Set JarMelo 1598157380 300x300 1 | Trio Kids | December, 2024

Marble painting involves high concentration and hand eye coordination, which helps to improve a child’s focus and observation skills. Our Marbling Paint Set will bring both you and your child on a therapeutic art journey with vibrant colours of paint, and never fails to amaze your kid with their very own unique masterpiece! 

Marbling Paint Set, $25.90

For kids who love to let their creative imaginations run wild, we also offer a wide range of art supplies for them to express their inner Picasso. 

Sketch your favourite trees, animals or cartoons with our Mont Marte Colouring Pencils Set, or doodle with our 24-piece Duo Markers 一 grab a pencil or marker, and let your mind take over!

Creative activities like painting serve as a form of brain exercise for children, and allows self-expression and an overall memorable sensory experience. 

Painting might seem like a mess for some parents, but with our Washable Paint, your little one will be treated to an enjoyable art session which will keep them occupied for hours! For a more sensory experience, we have Finger Paint Colours Sets consisting of beautiful colours for your child to explore with. 

Mont Marte Colouring Pencils Set, $43.90

Duo Markers, $27.90

Washable Paint, $11.90

Finger Paint Colours Set, from $24.90


Making Discoveries 


Science activities are a great way for kids to play and learn at the same time, benefitting school children by providing them with more knowledge about science and its different branches of chemistry, physics and astronomy. Also, if your child is a science lover, these activity kits will immerse them in a world full of endless possibilities. 

We provide an extensive range of Science Kits for you to choose from, depending on your child’s interests. These activities revolve around the concepts of art and science, incorporating fun elements such as creating scented soaps, beautiful crystals, or even a lava lamp. 

Looking to give your kid a learning journey AND have fun at the same time this school holiday? Check out our Science Kits at Trio Kids Singapore today! 


Crafting Memories


Here at Trio Kids, we seek to create a memorable parenting adventure, and a nurturing childhood for kids. 

Spending time with your little one is essential for a memory-filled childhood, and what could be a better way than to take part in a craft activity that both you and your child can cherish? 

Playing with clay benefits children in several ways. By working with clay, your child is given the freedom to create anything their heart desires with their own bare hands. The use of clay is a form of sensory play, which strengthens finger muscles and understanding in 3-dimensional shapes. In addition, this experience could improve literacy growth as it builds one’s vocabulary during the process of pinching, rolling, twisting and poking clay. 

Clay Figurine Making Trio Kids Singapore 1598157408 300x300 1 | Trio Kids | December, 2024

Trio Kids brings you a clay making experience with our Clay Figurine Making Kit which allows you and your kid to embark on a creative journey with various materials and tools, and also gifts you with your one-of-a-kind handmade clay figurine at the end of the day. 

Clay Figurine Making, from $38

See something that catches your eye? Head to Trio Kids Singapore and grab an activity kit for your child today! 

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