Guideline Regarding Wooden Toys in Singapore!

Parents want to provide their children with the safest toys possible, but it can be difficult to tell which wooden toys in Singapore are safe and which are not. We’ve all heard the saying that toys are meant to be played with. But what kind of toy? Parents who care for their children would want only the best, but most parents don’t know about wooden toys! With so many options out there, you might wonder why these types of toys are better than others. This blog post will help answer some common questions around how they work and also provide benefits for kids playing them too! Let’s get started! Thankfully, there are some guidelines to help you.

Check the age label

Check the age label on the toy and consider your child’s ability when purchasing a toy. Toys should never be too small or lightweight enough that they can be choked on by young children. Additionally, older toys may contain parts that can easily break off and become choking hazards for young children.

Made from safe materials

It’s important to remember that while plastic may seem like a safe material, it is possible for harmful chemicals to leach out of plastics if exposed to high heat and sunlight for long periods of time. Thus, avoid leaving plastic toys in direct sunlight or in hot cars. Also, avoid buying brand new wooden toys in Singapore from garage sales or used toy stores where you don’t know how they’ve been stored or treated.

Check for potential choking hazards

Be sure that the toy is safe if chewed on by your child. Any exposed wires and cords can easily become a choking hazard and should be kept away from children under three years of age who still like to put things in their mouths. Also, make sure any small parts are securely attached to the larger toy so as not to pose a choking hazard.

No sharp edges

The toy should have no sharp edges or points that could poke eyes or scratch skin. This is especially important for children who are very active and tend to be rough with their toys.

Material guidelines

Pay attention to the material so you know what your child is putting in their mouths. While plastic may seem like a safe material, it is possible for harmful chemicals to leech out of plastics if exposed to high heat and sunlight for long periods of time. Thus, avoid leaving plastic toys in direct sunlight or in hot cars. Also, avoid buying brand new toys from garage sales or used toy stores where you don’t know how they’ve been stored or treated.

Potential allergies 

Make sure your child is not allergic to the material. While it’s rare, children can become allergic to latex or other plastics through contact with toys that contain these materials. Seventhly, if in doubt about any material, do research on it or ask a doctor for advice before purchasing the toy. Finally, when possible, encourage creativity in your child by giving them open-ended wooden toys in Singapore rather than ones that have specific functions and will only hold one mode of play at a time.

All-rounded toy

When purchasing toys, keep in mind that children need creativity and imagination. Toys that have specific functions usually only allow one mode of play at a time.

Ask a professional for advice

If in doubt about any material, do research on it or ask a doctor for advice before purchasing the toy. For example, if you are not sure whether your child is allergic to latex or any other materials used to make toys, ask your doctor for advice before you purchase the toy.

And don’t forget about older siblings – if you have older children who are sharing wooden toys in Singapore with the little ones, make sure that any toys they plan on sharing are age-appropriate and safe as well!

Why Are Wooden Toys Better?

Wooden toys in Singapore are safer than plastic toys. They don’t have any chemicals in them, they are durable and environmentally friendly, and they are easy to clean. Wooden toys are also great for encouraging creativity, imagination, motor skills development, problem-solving ability, social skills development, etc. These benefits make wooden toys especially helpful for children with disabilities or developmental delays.


  • No chemicals
  • Durable and environmentally friendly
  • Easy to clean
  • Encourage creativity/imagination
  • Motor skills development
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Social skills development (Ex: Sharing, taking turns, etc.)

Wrap Up:  The benefits of choosing wooden toys for children are numerous and well worth the investment. Wooden toys in Singapore allow kids to develop hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, creativity, and more. They also help with language development as children learn about colors, shapes, and sizes through playing with their favorite toy! If you’ve been searching for a solution to your child’s birthday or Christmas list this year we hope these reasons have helped make up your mind on what type of toy would be best suited to give them lots of joy now and in years to come!

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